Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Fatty Fat Fat

37 weeks today. Day two of no work and loving it! Went food shopping today so for all of those have voted for Poor Andrew, we had a lovely meat pie with mashed potato for tea tonight (garnished with tomato sauce).

Had to bring the groceries up in two loads. Those who are aware of our steep driveway, you will understand the following declaration: I will not be grocery shopping between now and when Pickles is born.


Anonymous said...

Wow....and check out the growth on those puppies.....Olive and Sophie I mean.

Anonymous said...

Hang on, here I was praising you about cooking a home cooked meal for Andrew and now I read that it was a meat pie and mashed potato.........oh Jade!!!!!! Harldy gourmet!! Please please tell me that the pie didn't come out of a box or a plastic wrapper?? And you didn't have to just add water to the pre made potato mash........... give me something...love you xxx