Saturday 1 September 2007

The Manshed

And so it began on the 27th October, 2006. As you can see by the original shed shot, the new dwelling/storage unit increased in all varieties of dimensions. When I fell pregnant with Pickles, Josh and Andrew were given the deadline to have it finished by the end of July 2007....... today (1st September, 2007), I officially commission the double storey bedroom/storage unit..... "The Manshed".

Who needs a professional builder when a range of friends and family have helped with it along the way. Thankyou to Michael, Jimmy, Katelyn, Dean, Jeff and Rick the electrician.

Josh and Andrew slept in it last night. Apparently the bed needs stoppers under the wheels to stop it from moving. Andrew was not impressed when I suggested that maybe the floor wasn't level.

Andrew's Highlight: Owning a new range of expensive tools (justified to Jade as being cheaper than hiring them, e.g, cordless nail gun).

Andrew's Lowlight: Nobody told me there were such things as building regulations and council permits (thanks Dean for the prank call from the Council).

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